Under the Mango Tree, a place that holds memories, often forces us to reminisce. So many of have such fond memories that are a part of who we now are. Whether we loved, liked or disliked the fruit, there is no denying that it holds a treasured memory.
Mango Melee

Did you know that mangoes are the most wasted fruit locally? Mango trees can reach to about 300 years are available in a varieties of colours, sizes, textures and tastes.
In addition to the joy of the usual “peel and enjoy” practice, mangoes are naturally full of vitamins
and nutrient, promotes healthy gut, boosts immunity, promotes eye health and aids with skin health.
The Mango Melee is an annual Mango in food, dessert, beverages, snacks and contests festival. Wholesome fun for the whole family, friends and neighbours.
A festival for local artisans not just to sell their products but to build and maintain one on one relationships with customers directly.

Sorrel Melee (Sorrel Food Melee)

Sorrel is as a drink is a staple in almost every Trinidad and Tobago home and restaurant at Christmas time. The (calyces) flower can be used for much more that Sorrel tea (locally referred to as sorrel juice). This delicious ingredient offers not just a different flavour but some wonderful health benefits as well.
The Sorrel Melee Festival held during the peak sorrel season offers local artisan products that feature sorrel as the key ingredient.